Monday, November 29, 2010

The Novel Idea

So I am now really getting into the whole writing a novel thing- you can tell by the amount of blogging I don't do... not that I did a lot of blogging before... Anyway, I have been putting together all the bits and pieces of the book I am writing and it comes to about 20 pages of text so far, and that is with the first couple of chapters sorted, and one near the end worked through pretty solidly as well. What? Write in order? Who says so? Yeah, loads of people do I know, it's just the way it is going at the moment. I fully intend to write in order from now on in, unless I get inspired to do the trial scene earlier... or the attack on the city by Gangethlu. Again, I digress. So it is going well I think, and although there is a bit of a biological deadline to finish the actual writing I don't feel like I am never going to get there. My two fingered typing is getting faster for instance. And although my spelling and grammar may leave my Mother appalled, I can always come back to those at a later time. The best bit if advice I can think of that I've read lately is "Don't get it right, just write". And so I shall, g'night.